About us
Born in the '90s from the merger of two companies already active in the sector, NOVAPLAST begins its activity by molding technical articles on order and exclusively for other companies.
NOVAPLAST is a manufacturing company that, through the use of machinery and equipment, transforms the raw material, plastic, into finished or semi-finished products.

Il parco macchine si compone di presse ad iniezione oleodinamiche, pressa elettrica e un gruppo satellitare per la bi-iniezione. Il tonnellaggio delle presse va da 90 a 300 t con la capacità di stampare grammature da 30 a 400 gr.

Our machinery primarily processes HDPE (High-Density Polyethylene), LDPE (Low-Density Polyethylene), PP (Homopolymer and Copolymer Polypropylene), and to a lesser extent ABS (Acrylonitrile-Butadiene-Styrene), PA (Polyamide), PS (Polystyrene).
Moreover, based on the technical requirements of the product, it utilizes both Primary Raw Material, Secondary Raw Material, and reuses both its own industrial waste and those purchased from third parties.

has always been

NOVAPLAST has always been committed to the protection of its workers and the environment. Since 2011, it has strengthened its path on Prevention and Protection for Safety in the workplace by adopting a Management and Organization System according to the UNI-INAIL Guidelines (Legislative Decree 81/2008 - Consolidated text on health and safety in the workplace).
The management and organization of the company aim to protect both human and economic resources, essential for the growth of the company and for the activities it carries out.
Measures aimed at prevention and health protection, implemented systematically, represent for NOVAPLAST not only compliance with mandatory regulations but actual investments contributing to the continuous improvement of the company.


NOVAPLAST, aware of its production and its impact on the environment, has always operated in full respect of the environment by implementing various direct and indirect measures:
- Energy Saving
NOVAPLAST started an analysis of energy consumption in 2013 and, already in the first year, managed to reduce consumption by over 40%. Continuous monitoring allows organizing production, making it constantly more efficient. - Reuse of Waste
Processing waste and scraps are entrusted to external companies specializing in plastic material regeneration to be reused in the production process. Packaging, bags, and boxes, if no longer reusable, are handed over to specialized disposal centers. - Waste Utilization
In recent years, we have witnessed how plastic is one of the main factors contributing to global pollution. It becomes not only an ethical goal but a real responsibility: to reduce this evident and proven phenomenon.
From these findings, the Line - 3R by NOVAPLAST is born..